
One of the regions of the face whose shape is perhaps the one that causes the most discontent in people is the nose. It is usual for many patients to go to the doctor because they want to modify characteristics such as size, curvature, among others.
The nose bioplasty procedure can enable several changes to harmonize it with the rest of the face. Bioplasty generally provides a change in nasal shape without surgical intervention.

With bioplasty, you can lift the tip of your nose, giving it a “slippery” appearance, a result sought by many patients. The process is made with a small hole (near), at the base of the nose, in which a microcannula will be incorporated through which will pass the polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) to the chosen region. This generates the nasal support that will project the tip of the nose upwards.

Another feature that can usually be mitigated by bioplasty is the hooked shape, also called the “hawk nose”. The process can provide the right angle between the tip and the glabella region where the nose begins. As this region is filled, a narrowing sensation occurs. This procedure is also called decrease by addition. The effect is due to the fact that the shortest path between two points is always a straight line. Thus, bioplasty generates this “shortening”.

Nose bioplasty is usually performed with local anesthesia, allowing the patient to witness the entire agreed procedure, if interested. The introduced material can be molded for up to four days after the procedure. During this time, the liquid that suspends the molecules is sorbed and exchanged for collagen, which will be generated by the body. Normally, the patient may return to their normal routine soon after nose bioplasty, as there is no time limit for recovery, except for some precautions with the treated area.

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